A collection of publications by CCIF. (To Be Updated)
MPA Cost Model, CCIF, October 2008.
MPA Cost Model Instruction Manual, CCIF, October 2008.
Pacific Leatherback Turtle Conservation Fund Business Plan, CCIF, June 2008.
Report on Roving Collectors: Case Studies from Indonesia and the Philippines. December 2006.
SARS and the live food fish trade in Indonesia: Some anecdotes. February 2004.
Problem Is Shortage of Capacity, Not Revenue Sources: Proposing a New Approach to Financing Protected Areas, John B. Davis interview with Andreas Merkl, MPA NEWS, Vol. 5, No. 5, November 2003
Funding Opportunities for Pollinator Protection in North America, A Report for the Pollinator Protection Campaign with support from the Turner Foundation. September 2003.
Analysis on The Sustainable Financing of a Network of Marine Protected Areas in Southeast Asia, Andreas Merkl, John Claussen, Heather Thompson, and Jason Winship, Vth IUCN World Parks Congress, Finance and Resources Stream: Regional Case Studies, Durban, South Africa, September 2003
Endowment Model: MPA Financing in Southeast Asia, Powerpoint Presentation, CCIF, Vth World Parks Congress, Durban, South Africa, 8-17 September 2003
A New Approach to Financing Protected Areas, CCIF, 2003
A Role for Effective, Efficient, and Equitable Conservation Concessions in Conserving Natural Resources in Indonesia, Andreas Merkl, John Claussen, and Heather Thompson, Vth IUCN World Parks Congress, Finance and Resources Stream: Conservation Incentive Agreements, Durban, South Africa, September 2003
Analysis of the Status of Current Certification Schemes in Promoting Conservation, 2002
Developing the Financial Strategy for an Indo-Pacific MPA Network — A Presentation, 2002
From Donor to Investor: Applying a Venture Capital Model to Foundations, 2002
Opportunities for Philanthropic Investors in Biodiversity Conservation Incentive Systems, 2002
Preliminary Report on Wakatobi National Park, 2002
Sustainable Financing of Marine Protected Areas in Southeast Asia — A Thought Piece, 2002
Analysis of Destructive Reef Fishing Practices in the Indo-Pacific, 2001
Integrated Marine Management Concessions — A New Approach to an Old Problem, 2001
Integrated Marine Management Concessions — A New Approach to an Old Problem — A Presentation, 2001
Impact of Indonesian coral reef fisheries on fish community structure and the resultant catch composition. Pet-Soede, C., van Densen, W.L.T., Pet, J.S., and Machiels, M.A.M., 2001. Fisheries Research, Vol. 51 (1) pp. 35-51.
Reef Product Alliance Business Plan, 2001
Reef Product Alliance Business Plan Summary, 2001
Transforming the Marine Ornamentals Industry: A Business Approach (Book Chapter), 2001